Start Your Own Branded Podcast

By Podcast
Branded Podcast

With 85.4 million podcast listeners in 2020 in the U.S., podcasts are an increasingly popular tool for corporate marketers.

For businesses, organizations, and personal branding, podcasts are the perfect top-of-funnel marketing platform. Quality podcasts create engaging ways for your listeners to connect with your brand.

Get your brand the recognition it deserves

If you are passionate about your business, and you truly believe in the value of your products/services, then spread your message.

Emotions transfer to your brand. Through the great stories told on your podcast, you help determine how people feel about your brand.

By hosting a podcast, you have the opportunity to show your expertise and become a de facto thought leader in your field. As your podcast audience grows and the quality of content improves, it will open doors for you to develop relationships with leading experts and renowned industry leaders.

Top reasons to start a podcast:

Podcasts empower you to produce long-form material that gets a deeper message across than would otherwise be possible through alternative marketing channels.

With a well-crafted story and professionally edited podcast, you don’t have to be constrained by time limits or character counts. Podcasts are your chance to showcase your expertise and dig deeper into the story of your brand. And the good news? 80% of podcast listeners will listen to all or most of your episodes.

Your podcast is a platform that you can use to build awareness of your other ventures, too. For example, your podcast could educate or promote a cause that you or your company feel strongly about, such as sustainability or charitable giving.

Unlike radio and television appearances, your podcast episodes don’t have a shelf life. People can, and will, listen to them for years. This content can also be repurposed into countless other pieces of marketing material, shared across all of your digital channels.

How to get started

Launching a podcast is both easy and complex. It’s easy because you can just pick up a mic and speak on your own about what you know best, or you can bring in experts who are excellent at discussing what they do.

It’s complex because you’ll need to carefully record and edit your podcast to ensure it’s easy to listen to and kind to audience ears — remember most people will use earbuds to listen to your voice. You’ll also need to craft a story or discussions that will resonate with your audience and keep them interested. Once you’ve recorded an episode, ask yourself if you would honestly listen if you weren’t part of the team making it.

Why Work With Us?

At Dots & Lines we have the resources and expertise to help you not only harness the technical intricacy of broadcasting but, most importantly, craft stories worth listening to. As your project manager, I’ll bring my experience as a journalist, the host of the podcast Back in America, and a marketing expert to your project.

Think of us as your personal media service:

  • We draft a story pitch,
  • source people to interview,
  • write questions, and
  • schedule the interview.

We master the technology:

  • We ensure online quality recording,
  • take care of audio editing and sound enhancement, and
  • assist with podcast hosting and distribution across platforms

And provide full-service marketing:

  • Podcast cover art
  • Episode notes
  • Social media promotion
  • Video vignettes
  • Audiograms
  • Instagram video and art posts
  • Mailing list generation and management

Creating a podcast takes courage and commitment and having a team to support you is essential.

Like everything we do at Dots & Lines, we will start by asking the tough questions to ensure you have a solid project and plan for ongoing execution and success.

Do you want to know more about podcasts? I love to chat about podcasting feel free to book me here.